Saturday, September 13, 2008

Happy Birthday, Sweet Macy!!

Our precious baby girl turned one on September 11th. The day started out great and we were gearing up for a little party with friends and family on Friday night to celebrate the birthday girl. About 10:15 Thursday morning, I got a phone call from school saying that Drew had gotten sick. I quickly woke Macy from her nap and ran to get poor Drew. I got him situated in the bed with cartoons running, got Macy an early lunch (so she would go down for an early nap - since her morning nap was interrupted), and did some work around the house. Well, after I got Macy down for her nap, I started feeling 1 that afternoon, I was throwing up as well. What a day! Drew and I were quarantined to my room - and bathroom. It was awful. Thankfully, Mom came over in time to get Macy up from her nap and then let Macy spend the night with she and Dad. Andrew was a big trooper and took good care of me and Drew. I wish I had a picture of him wearing a mask around the house (seriously...) so that he would not get sick! He was a big help - thanks, Andrew! So, needless to say, it was not the best birthday ever - thankfully this is my second child and I know that she doesn't know any differently. We were supposed to have a party Friday night at our house with family and a few close friends but we had to cancel due to our illnesses! Instead, Mom was gracious enough to have the family over to their house for pizza and cake and ice cream so that Macy could have a little party - and we would not give our germs to our friends! are pictures from Macy's first birthday party. She had a great time...and as you can see, LOVED the cake! We wouldn't have expected anything else from her!! We are so blessed to have had a wonderful year with our sweet girl and thank God so much for bringing our two precious children into our lives! Happy birthday, Macy!!!
This is while we are singing. Drew felt the need to hold her back for some reason. She is not too sure about all of this...
Here she goes...
Getting a little help from Drew!


Tommy, Suzanne, and Mary Peyton said...

i'm glad you liked the cakes - i thought they turned out cute!

and i'm glad that you and drew were feeling better and able to enjoy the birthday party!

after we dropped the cakes off, i was telling tommy how your parent's have lived there forever. i then reminisced watching grease or grease 2 at one of the spend the night parties!